• Designing Your Home? 5 Do's And Don'ts Of First Floor Layout

    As you design the layout of your new two-story home, you may find that the additional space above allows you the freedom to add more to the first floor. But should you? What should you add to the first floor and what should you avoid? Here are a few dos and don'ts of first-floor design.  Don't Open Up Too Much Open-space floor plans are popular because they make the first floor seem larger and airier.
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  • Love Interior Design? 3 Neat Ways To Use Picture Frames

    Home decor is a great way to add color, texture, and shine to space. However, using decorations in new ways can make your home even more interesting. Here are three neat ways to use picture frames in your home.  1. Create Collage Walls Collage walls are collections of random artwork, framed photos, and even decorative wall sculptures all hung in a shape on the wall. Some people choose to create large, square, or circular wall collages, with the larger pieces of art creating focal points, and smaller items filling in the gaps.
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  • Using Area Rugs For Interior Design Projects

    Home a place to relax and feel comfortable no matter which room you are in. However, some people are unable to obtain the peace of mind that they desire at home due to not knowing how to create a comfortable scheme. For instance, there are some people who finds it difficult to even come up with a color scheme for decorating the rooms in their house. After finally being able to decide on a color scheme, the problem of buying the right furniture and decor to bring the colors together becomes the problem.
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  • Moving Into A New Home? Hire An Interior Designer To Maximize Kid-Friendliness

    After buying a home, you may start getting excited about moving in with your family. If you have several young children in your family, you may have done everything that you could to make your rental safe for them. But, you will appreciate how much control you have as a homeowner. While you might feel confident enough to make some design choices on your own, you should consider working with an interior designer to maximize kid friendliness inside your house.
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  • Interior Design Tips For Retiring In A Small Townhouse

    Moving from a large single-family home into a smaller townhouse is a change many older Americans choose to make. As you age, it gets harder to mow the lawn and do all of the other physically demanding maintenance tasks a house with a yard requires. By moving to a townhouse, you avoid these tasks and can spend your time on hobbies, travel, and visiting family instead.  If you recently downsized into a small townhouse so you won't have to maintain a large single-family home any longer, then you will be pleased to learn there are many ways you can make the space work well to meet your needs.
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  • Tips For Making Your Waiting Room A Memorable Experience

    When it comes to commercial interior design, your waiting room is often the most important aspect. Your waiting room is going to be the first experience your guests have with your business and will be where they spend a substantial amount of time. Here are some tips for creating a welcoming, memorable, and fashionable waiting room. Keep It Light and Airy You want your waiting room to have glass windows, natural light, and (if possible) plants.
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  • 3 Options To Consider When Remodeling Your Kitchen

    Coming up with ideas for remodeling your kitchen can be tricky because there are so many different options that you can choose to utilize. Here are three options to consider when remodeling your kitchen to help you make your decision. Add An Island With Extra Functionality One of the most popular options to consider when remodeling your kitchen is to add an island with extra functionality or to add that extra functionality to an island that already exists.
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  • Redecorating? ~ Don't Skip Over These Awesome Wall And Ceiling Effects

    Are you planning to redecorate a room in your home? If so, the walls and ceiling in the room will be an important part of your project. Perhaps you are thinking a few coats of paint are all that is needed. The following suggestions can inspire you to do more with your walls and ceiling than paint them a solid color.  Wallpaper You may have considered this option but decided against it if you feel like wallpaper is a tedious endeavor.
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  • Pros And Cons Of Engineered Quartz Countertops

    Engineered quartz countertops provide an array of benefits as well as some weaknesses. They can provide a durable and attractive countertop. Quartz will fit the décor of your lifestyle and personal choices. Some people would rather own one with a more natural appearance such as granite. However, the ease of maintenance will sway you toward purchasing a quartz countertop. What is an engineered quartz countertop? This type of countertop is roughly 95% mixture of natural ground quartz and contains approximately 5% polymer resins.
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  • Tips For Choosing Kitchen Window Treatments

    A kitchen window can be a welcome addition, since it allows plenty of light into the room. Often, these windows are placed over the sink so they don't interfere with cabinet placement. Finding the right window treatment requires some thoughtful planning. The following tips can help. Tip #1: Skip the curtains Although the idea of pretty curtains fluttering in the breeze may seem attractive and quaint, it can be a real hassle when you are actually working at the sink.
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